January 3, 2021 Sis Michelle Harris

Today we’re starting a new series all about talking to God! When we pray, we are talking to God. He always hears us and loves when we talk to Him. And that’s what we need to know today! If you can talk to God, let me hear you say this after me: I Can Talk to God

Did you know that you can pray and talk to God, and He will hear you? Well, it’s true! And that’s why I drew an ear. Because you can talk to God any time, anywhere and know that He’s all ears! One time, Jesus told a story to help us know how we should and should not pray.

Let’s see if you can guess the next picture!

It’s a mean face. That’s because this story is about some people, called Pharisees, who were not very nice. Everything these people did was to show off for other people, and they even tried to show off for God. If they did something kind, it was only so others would see it. And if they prayed, it was super loud because they were trying to make themselves sound better than others. But Jesus had something to say about it.

What do you think Jesus told the people? Let’s see if you can guess what I draw next and we’ll find out.

It’s a person! That’s because Jesus told the people not to be like the Pharisees, showing off for others. And you’ll notice that I only drew one person. That’s because Jesus told people that when we pray, we should go into our room, close the door, and pray to our heavenly Father. Jesus was explaining that God cares most about who we are when no one else is watching. He just wants us to talk to Him about what’s in our hearts.

Let’s see if you can guess what this next drawing means.

It’s a picture of someone talking because Jesus showed us how we can talk to God. Jesus said to pray like this, “Our Father in heaven, we pray that Your name will always be kept holy. We pray that Your kingdom will come, and that what You want will be done here on Earth, the same as in heaven. Give us the food we need for each day. Forgive our sins, just as we have forgiven those who did wrong to us. Don’t let us be tempted, but save us from the Evil One.” Jesus showed us that talking to God is simple! We can say, “Hey God,” and tell Him how great He is. We can even say we’re sorry for any wrong things we’ve done and ask Him for anything we need.

Now let’s see if you can guess the next picture!

It’s a heart! I drew this because I want us to remember that God loves us so much, and He loves to hear us pray! Do you think God ever gets tired of hearing you talk to Him? (No) No way! God loves to hear us talk to Him no matter if we are happy, sad, excited, or sick. It’s always a good time to talk to God!

How did Jesus say it was best for us to pray? (All alone, by ourselves, etc.) Yes! He said this because the Pharisees were praying to show off instead of just wanting to talk to God.

Is praying supposed to be easy or hard? Praying is easy because it’s just talking to God like He is your friend!

What can you talk to God about? Anything

Discussion Time

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