January 31, 2021 Sis Michelle Harris

This series we’ve been talking about talking — talking to God! When we pray, that’s what we are doing. Did you know that you can talk to God no matter where you are?! It’s true! And that’s what we need to know today! Say this after me: I Can Talk to God Anywhere

Hope Kids | Hope Church - George, Garden Route, South Africa

Everyone close your eyes. Now picture your bedroom. What is something you can thank God for in your room? Tell Him! 

With your eyes still closed, picture your school. What is something you can thank God for there? Tell Him! Is there something you may need while you’re at school? Ask Him! 

Now think about your favorite place to go. What is something you can thank God for there? Tell Him! Is there something you may need while you’re in this place? Ask Him! 

Discussion Time

  1. Do you have a favorite place you like to pray and talk to God?
  2. Where is somewhere you can get quiet and pray at your home?
  3. What can you talk to God about at school?
  4. How can we be praying for you this week?
  5. Say this with me again: I Can Talk to God Anywhere.

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