January 17, 2021 Sis Michelle Harris

I love talking with you all and getting to know you better! We’re in a series all about talking — talking to God! Did you know that everything you just told our group you can talk to God about?! It’s true! You can pray and talk to God about anything! And that’s what we need to know today! Let me hear you say this after me: I Can Talk to God About Anything

I’m going to draw a picture, and you get to guess what I’m drawing. Then I will tell you what that picture means in our Bible story!

Did you know that you can pray and talk to God about anything? 

You can! God loves to hear you talk to Him, and He wants you to tell Him anything and everything. Once, Jesus told His followers a story to help them understand this. I will draw pictures about the story, and you can try to guess what I’m drawing!

It’s a door. That’s because Jesus told the people that when they talk to God, they should ask and keep on asking. They should knock and keep on knocking. Why do we knock on a door? (Because we hope someone will answer) Jesus promised that when we talk to God, He will answer. He may not answer right away, but that doesn’t mean that He’s not hearing us. Just keep knocking until He answers. The cool part is, we don’t have to worry about bothering God because He loves when we come knocking. We can just go right up to his door and knock by praying and talking to Him.

Let’s see if you can guess what I draw next.

It’s a rock! That’s because Jesus told the people to think of their own children. He said that if a son asks his dad for a piece of bread, no kind dad would give his son a rock. That doesn’t sound like a good thing, does it — asking for bread to eat but getting a rock instead?

Let’s see if you can guess what this next drawing is.

It’s a picture of a snake! Jesus also told the people that no parent would give their child a snake if they asked for a fish to eat. What would you do if you asked for fish sticks and your parents gave you snake sticks? 

Are parents perfectly good all the time? No, nobody is perfect. And even though the parents who were listening to Jesus weren’t perfect, they still knew how to give good gifts to their children.

Jesus explained that God, our heavenly Father, is perfect, and He said, “So surely your heavenly Father will give good things to those who ask Him!”

Let’s see if you can guess the next picture!

It’s a heart! I drew this because I want you to remember that God loves us so much, and He loves when we talk to Him! Should you only pray when you need to ask God for something? (No) That’s right! God is the best friend we could ever have, and He loves to hear us talk to Him about anything!

You can tell God, “Thank You,” for something good that happened at school. You can tell him how much you love to eat your favorite food or that you’re sorry for yelling at your mom. And you can ask Him for whatever you need. You can tell God anything!

What do you think Jesus meant when He said we should continue to ask and knock? He wants you to keep praying, keep coming to Him, it’s OK to ask for the same things repeatedly, etc.

What kind of gifts does God give to His kids? Good gifts

Discussion Questions

  1. What are some things you talk to God about?
  2. Is there anything we can’t talk to God about? No
  3. We can talk to God about anything going on in our lives and in the lives of others. In fact, when you read the Bible you will see that when people prayed for each other, powerful things happened. So let’s practice doing that this week. With the card below, write down things that you can pray about this week.
  4. What is something you want to ask God for help with or ask Him to do for you? 

You Can Talk to God About Anything!

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